How Do I Achieve a Good Candidate Experience?

Optimize Candidate Experience to Win Talent Wars: Engage, Respect, and Adapt in Every Interaction.

What is Candidate Experience?

Candidate experience refers to the overall perceptions, feelings, and impressions that job candidates form throughout the hiring process—from the initial job search and application to the final hiring decision and onboarding.

Candidate Experience Makes the Difference

Imagine every interaction a candidate has with your organization, inspiring them to share their experience with others. Now, think about what story they are telling. Is it one of respect and attentiveness, or is it one of neglect and confusion?

The War for Talent

We’re living in a pivotal time—the war for talent is a tangible challenge in today’s job market. With skill shortages across industries, the fight for top talent is fierce. In such a climate, a subpar candidate experience isn’t just a minor setback; it’s a serious flaw that can damage your employer’s reputation.

Social Media Transparency

In this era of transparency, powered by social media, every interaction with candidates can be instantly broadcast. A negative review, a disappointed tweet, or a critical blog post about a disorganized interview can quickly become viral, impairing your ability to recruit effectively. 

Shopping for Jobs

Moreover, job seekers today approach their job search as they would browsing for products online. They anticipate interactions that are smooth, prompt, and straightforward. If you fail to meet these expectations, you’ll likely see top candidates opting for your competitors. It’s not just about the job offer anymore; it’s about the entire experience.

Adapt to Candidate Expectations

Let’s also consider the significance of a strong employer brand. A positive interaction with candidates isn’t just about making them feel valued—it’s about strategic positioning. It turns your organization into a magnet for talent, particularly appealing to younger generations who look for workplaces that match their values and cultural expectations.

Bolster Diversity Initiatives

On diversity and inclusion, poor interaction can inadvertently reinforce biases, deterring skilled individuals from underrepresented groups. Every moment of engagement is a chance to demonstrate your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Failing to seize these moments can hinder your efforts to develop a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Candidates Re-Apply

Lastly, view every candidate as a potential future advocate for your brand. Today’s rejection might be tomorrow’s opportunity. Maintaining a respectful, engaging relationship with all candidates, regardless of the outcome, sets the stage for a solid talent pool that will support your growth in the future.

The Top Ways Companies Ruin Candidate Experience

  1. Radio Silence: Nothing more deflating than the echo of your questions bouncing back unanswered. When companies fail to communicate, whether it’s delayed feedback, unclear hiring stages, or total silence after an application, they’re not just being rude but dismissive.
  2. Marathon Hiring: Imagine a race where the finish line keeps moving. That’s what extensive hiring processes feel like. When interviews drag on for months with no end in sight, it’s exhausting and exasperating.
  3. Mystery Job Descriptions: Vague job postings are like bad riddles. Candidates shouldn’t need to decipher responsibilities, requirements, or expectations. The name of the game is clear and concise.
  4. Clueless Interviews: Nothing screams ‘We don’t value your time’ louder than disorganized interviews with irrelevant questions. It’s not just inefficient; it’s disrespectful.
  5. Veil of Secrecy: Transparency isn’t just nice; it’s necessary. Candidates crave clear insights into where they stand, the timeline, and how decisions are made. Without it, you’re just leading them into the fog.
  6. Bait and Switch: Consistency is critical. A shift in the information provided during different hiring stages, or a discrepancy between advertised roles and interview discussions, doesn’t just confuse; it frustrates.
  7. Unprepared Interviewers: An interviewer who hasn’t glanced at a resume or seems unprepared does more than waste time; they make candidates feel undervalued.
  8. Tech Troubles: In our digital world, a glitchy application portal or a buggy virtual interview platform isn’t just an inconvenience; it’s a barrier.
  9. Ghosting: The silent treatment after significant engagement isn’t just rude; it’s crushing. Companies that ghost candidates post-interview aren’t just unprofessional; they’re unforgettable for all the wrong reasons.

FirstWho: Delight Your Candidates

Why let top talent slip through your fingers? Complexities in managing candidate experiences can deter your best applicants and even cause high performers to abandon the process. FirstWho changes that. Our tool ensures that exceptional candidate experiences are not just an aspiration but your new standard. From crafting inviting job postings to conducting engaging interviews, FirstWho empowers you to impress and captivate candidates at every touchpoint. Make every interaction count with FirstWho, where great hiring experiences are made simple.

Hiring Best Practices